Apple Airpod Pro

*Apple Airpod Pro with Popup window, GPS, Name change and Noise Cancellation❣* 🔥Calling features working 🔥Both side sensors working 🔥2 tap pause and play music (Right) 🔥2 tap next music control (Right) 🔥2 tap for siri working (Left) 🔥Sound pure bass performance 🔥High quality sound 🔥with charging case 🔥12 hours battery backup with case backup 🔥Free charging data cable 💫With apple logo original box Print on pods and case. 💫 *(designed by apple in califonia)* * ✅ 519 *mAh battery* ✅ *SUPPORTS WIRELESS CHARGING* * *price Rs 1100* ...* 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️
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