A tree called Balam Kheera Herbs can reach a height of 20 metres (66 feet). Initially grey and smooth, Balam Kheera Herbs peels on elder trees. On a 15 centimetre branch, it can be as thick as 6 mm. The wood is homogeneous, light brown or yellowish, and not prone to breaking.

The Balam Kheera Herbs tree is deciduous where there is a long dry season but evergreen where it receives year-round moisture. The leaves of the Kigelia Herb are opposite or in whorls of three, 12 to 20 inches (30–50 cm) long, pinnate, and have six to ten oval leaflets that can range in size from 8 inches (20 cm) to 2.25 inches (6 cm) in length. The terminal leaflet may or may not be present. Flowers from the Balam Kheera Herbs (and subsequently fruit) dangle from branches on very long, flexible stalks.

Flowers are produced in panicles and are bell-shaped, orange to maroon or purple green, and about four inches (10 cm) wide. They are similar to those of the African tulip tree but larger, darker, and more waxy. Individual flowers are horizontally aligned rather than hanging down. These flowers draw some birds, and the sturdy stalks of each blossom make perfect perches for them. Herbs by Balam Kheera

Since bats visit them at night for pollen and nectar, it is clear from their aroma that they have evolved to be pollinated by bats. However, they are also open throughout the day and many insect pollinators, especially large species, freely visit them.

Fruits are processed for ingestion by drying, roasting, or fermentation since they are toxic and severely purgative when eaten fresh. The drier fruits are used to create the alcoholic drink known as Muratina, which is a staple of cultural gatherings in Central Kenya. Several skin care products also contain Balam Kheera Herbs. The wood is used to make yokes, oars, and makoros in Botswana. The herb kigelia is also used to cure stones.

Because of its unique fruit and gorgeous blossoms, the Kigelia Herb tree is a popular ornamental tree in tropical climates. Care should be taken while choosing planting locations since fruit that falls from the trees can seriously hurt people and harm parked cars.

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