F& V Cleaner (500ml)

In the time of such a pandemic situation when we are advised to wash & clean the Fruits & Vegetables before consumption, here comes the Fruits & Vegetable cleanser that washes your fruits and vegetables organically. It is highly effective on waxes, chemicals and germs and to keep you safe from any kind of side-effect it is made with organic certified ingredients. Quantity 500 ml Aloe Vera Extract 2000 mg Apple Cider 500 mg Neem 50 mg Method of use: 1. Mix 25 ml of Vegetable Wash in 2 liters of plain water. 2. Soak the vegetables in the prepared solution for one minute, then rub individual piece thoroughly with hand dipped within the solution. 3. Transfer the soaked vegetables into stainer & wash thoroughly under running tap / clean water.
Per piece

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