Amway™ Apsa-80

OVERVIEW APSA 80 is a Performance Maximizer which offers farmers an excellent opportunity to increase their crop yields and you can get an excellent foundation for growing your Amway business.   BENEFITS Because APSA reduces surface tension and makes water wetter, it also helps water(and whatever pesticide its carrying) penetrate the soil faster and more evenly. MOST IMP : Helps the pesticides spread better and hence gives better disease control. Many types of soils, because of their compact nature or water repellency, tend to resist water’s penetration.By making water wetter, APSA helps water penetrate these soils more easily and get on with the job for which it is intended.Because of the faster soil penetration, there is less run of less wasted water. Helps keep pesticides in suspension. Often the pesticide may not mix really well with water and separates rather quickly. When APSA-80 is added to the pesticide solution according to the directions, it helps keep pesticides dispersed so that separation problems are greatly reduced or eliminated entirely. Non Corrosive: APSA is made with unique , non corrosive formula to protect metal pumps, tanks, and other metal equipment from the dangers of rust and corrosion. Because of its ability to help keep pesticides in solution, APSA helps us keeping equipment clean and prevents clogging of nozzles, resulting in less down time for your machinery, fewer mechanical worries and easier machine maintenance. APSA contains low foaming surfactant which is both non-ionic (having no electrical charge)and biodegradable(able to be broken into simpler compounds by natural biological action). APSA 80 is a Performance Maximizer which offers farmers an excellent opportunity to increase their crop yields and you can get an excellent foundation for growing your Amway business. Backed by Independent results conducted in India.
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