KEY BENEFITS: Its antimicrobial properties light the germs that cause bad breath and help to get rid of bad breath after an odorous meal. It helps to remove toxins and reduce the risk of urinary tract problems. Fennel can be excellent for combating obesity as it suppresses the appetite and creates a feeling of fullness. It can help to ease and regulate menstruation by properly regulat-ing hormonal action in the body. It acts as soothing pain reliever and relaxing agent for menopausal women and in dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps). It possesses mild expectorant properties that help relieve respiratory tract infect-ions associated with coughs, cold, flu and sinus congestion. It maintains healthy levels of cholesterol in the blood stream and maintains optimum cardiac functions. Fennel seed drops are made with premium-quality, organic fennel seeds and has a sweet aroma that sweetens and refreshes your breath after a meal. It is highly beneficial in relieving digest-ive problems such as indigestion, bloat-ing, flatulence, constipat-ion, colic, intestinal gas, heartburn and even irritable bowel syndrome. Description: in tradit-ion Ayurveda, Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) was tradit-iona y used to help alleviate bloating and gas. Fennel seed drops acts as metabolic enhancer and increased metabolic output burn more energy and can accelerate fat utilization. It also helps to break fat deposits in the bloodstream to be used as energy which is good for obesity control. It supports overs heart health
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