Fericip XT 150ml

  • Fericip XT Syrup is useful in cases of anaemia, folate deficiency and iron deficiency. It works by helping red blood cells to deliver oxygen to all over the body; acting on megaloblastic bone marrow to produce a normoblastic marrow.

    Key Ingredients:
    Folic acid
  • Iron
    Key Benefits:
  • Used for treating anemia due to folic acid deficiency
  • Used to treat iron deficiency due to poor absorption and chronic blood loss
  • Fulfils increased requirement of folate in the body during pregnancy
  • Used in treatment of megaloblastic anemia due to a deficiency of folic acid and other conditions
  • Works by helping red blood cells to deliver oxygen to all over the body; acting on megaloblastic bone marrow to produce a normoblastic marrow 
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