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  • Bite n Bite Rosted And Salted Pistachio
  • Bite n Bite Rosted And Salted Pistachio
  • Bite n Bite Rosted And Salted Pistachio
  • Bite n Bite Rosted And Salted Pistachio
  • Bite n Bite Rosted And Salted Pistachio

Bite n Bite Rosted And Salted Pistachio

Per 250 gm

Product details

Both raw and roasted pistachios contain a lot of fat: about 13 grams, which is 17% of the recommended daily total. But most of it is monounsaturated fat, a heart-healthy type that can help lower levels of bad cholesterol. Pistachios are also a good source of protein; a serving contains about 6 grams.

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