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  • Kalmi Dates

Kalmi Dates

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Product details

Kalmi Dates are one of the oldest types of dates, dating back to the 12th century. This date variety is often referred to as the "King of Dates" because of its large size and rich flavor. It is native to the Middle East and North Africa, but is grown in California. The date fruit is round and large, with a golden brown skin. The flesh is rich and sweet, and has a texture similar to a soft raisin. The date has a sweet, nutty flavor with hints of caramel. The Kalmi Date is a large, round fruit with a golden brown skin. It has a soft, sweet flesh that is rich and sweet with hints of caramel. This date variety is often referred to as the "King of Dates" because of its large size and rich flavor. It is native to the Middle East and North Africa, but is grown in California.

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