Neem Tulsi Facewash

BetterU Neem & Tulsi Face wash primarily works on irritating pimples, acne & oily skin. This face wash is infused with the goodness of neem and tulsi extract which possess antibacterial & antifungal properties. The neem extract provides a great care to the skin by removing excess oil and comforting the skin from any redness or irritation. It deals with bacteria that help in clearing pimples & acne. Tulsi extract being the second most important ingredient of this face wash, is considered to be a good antifungal & powerful antioxidant. It purifies the pores by deep cleansing and keeps the acne from growing back again. This product effectively restores the skin's natural balance. Key Features: • Safety & Luxury Good for acne & pimples prone skin Helps to remove excess oil, dirt & impurities Keeps skin hydrated • Helps to purify the pores of the skin Antibacterial & antifungal action Soothes all skin type Quantity 100 ml
Per piece

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