*Gigantiques - Upcycled Living Spaces*
At Gigantiques, we are proud to be in the business of making innovations that serve a cause. It is the cause of making our planet a little more sustainable. It is our bit to make it a better place to live.
All of our furniture and decor is upcycled from used and recyclable items and material. We take things that have fulfilled their useful life and then re-purpose them into beautiful and practical furniture items. We give them a new avatar and a renewed life experience. They could have been used vehicles, barrels or tyres in another life, but once we work on them, they become the most popular articles of furniture and decor for your home and workspace.
Gigantiques upcycled furniture is elegant, functional and sturdy and provide you with an opportunity to add brightness and charm to your living spaces. At the same time, it also gives you the satisfaction of contributing your bit towards the conservation of our planet!
So join us today in this mission and choose from a wide range of furniture and decor for your home or business. What's more, we can create a unique set of customized furniture and decor as per your needs and enable you to make a distinct style statement!