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  • FungiKawach


Per 250 ml

Product details
What is FungiKawach Protect the crop from fungal diseases in organic way, the cost effective organic solution with longer periods of protection from fungal diseases. The diseases include leaf spots, Downey Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Blights, and Sheath Rots etc Composition 1. Copper Octonate : 10% 2. Heptaldehyde : 20% 3. Oenenthal Bi Sulphite : 20% 4. Fish Oil : 40% 5. Emulsifier : 10% MODE OF ACTION: Acts effectively on both prophylactic and curative for the control of many diseases as listed above as this product has both contact and systemic action. DOSAGE: Apply 250 ml per acre depending on severity as foliar spray. Frequently Asked question ( FAQ) 1. What do you mean by FungiKawach? Protect the crop from fungal diseases in organic way, the cost effective organic solution with longer periods of protection from fungal diseases. The diseases include leaf spots, Downey Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Blights, and Sheath Rots etc 2. Is FungiKawach is pesticide No, FungiKawach is not a pesticide and only used for Agricultural purposes only. 3. Is FungiKawach suitable for Organic farming? Yes FungiKawach use is allowed in organic farming 4. What are the doses of FungiKawach? 250 ml per acre or 2 ml per ltr of water when larvae are first observed. 5. What is the action of FungiKawach? FungKawach can use as preventative as well as curative. Country of Origin India

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