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  • Tripmyte


Per 250 ml

Product details
What is Tripmyte? It is a unique combination of herbal extracts that reduce the damages due to the infestations of both Thrips and Mites and keeps the crop pest free for longer periods. Composition 1. Neem Oil : 20% 2. Fish Oil : 25% 3. Sesame Oil : 10% 4. Cinnamon Oil : 25% 5. Karanj Oil : 20% Mode of Action * Build resistance blockers in resistance building chain. * Attacks on nerve system of targeted pest. * Strongest anti feeding activity forces the pest to stops feeding on the host. * Pest body loosing calcium++ from body in the form of water and muscle contraction has found. act on the nervous system * It disrupts proper muscle function in insects and therefore represents a novel, unique mode of action. * Treated insects show unique symptoms of poisoning resulting in complete and irreversible contraction paralysis. * The insects loose muscle control, stop feeding, and exhibit a pronounced contraction paralysis of the whole body. Typically, the larvae become immobile or movements are very restricted and extremely slow Dose 2 ml per 1 Liter of water or 250 ml per acre as a foliar spray Time of application Start the spray in the early stages of infestation and repeat it at fortnightly intervals Add Mi Spray, a sticker, spreader, Penetrator and activator @ 5 ml per 15 liters of spray solution. Tripmyte Benefits TRIPMYTE is an organic liquid formulation that can be applied as a foliar spray, using ground application or aerial application (potatoes, legume vegetables and corn only) to control many important insect pests. TRIPMYTE can mix with water for application. Apply at the recommended rates when insect populations reach locally determined economic thresholds. Consult your local extension specialist or certified crop advisor to determine appropriate threshold levels for treatment in your area. Use sufficient water to obtain thorough, uniform coverage. Frequently Asked question ( FAQ) 1. What do you mean by Tripmyte? It is unique combination of herbal extracts that reduce the damages due to the infestations of both Thrips and Mites 2. Is Tripmyte is pesticide? No, Tripmyte is not a pesticide and only used for Agricultural purposes only. 3. Is Tripmyte suitable for Organic farming? Yes Tripmyte use is allowed in organic farming. 4. Is Tripmyte dose is lesser than conventional miticide? The dose of Tripmyte is very low as compared to conventional miticides. 5. What are the doses of Tripmyte? 250 ml per acre or 2 ml per ltr of water when larvae are first observed. Country of Origin India

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