Saffron (Kesar)

Saffron is the most precious and expensive spices of the world. Jammu and Kashmir is one of the prominent cultivation places of saffron all over the world. In J & K saffron is grown in Pampore and in the Kishtwar region of Jammu. Only 120 hectares land has been occupied the cultivation of saffron in Kishtwar producing on an average of 500 KG of saffron annually, making this available in limited quantity and more priced. Kishtwar produces world’s finest quality saffron, the saffron from Chenab valley is valued all over the world for its fine quality and is recognizable by its dark maroon-purple hue which hints at the strong flavor, aroma, and coloring effect. Only a small amount of saffron can turn your dish into a divine delicacy! Besides saffron is also used in cosmetic products and can be used as a standalone beauty remedy.
Per gm

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