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Crinum LIly, Spider Lily - Plant

Crinum LIly, Spider Lily - Plant

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The spider lily (Lycoris radiata) is known for its dainty, elegant white blooms that are extremely fragrant, especially after dusk. Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 5 through 10, spider lilies are easy to grow and care for. They work equally well planted in lawns and gardens and are a beneficial plant to have in your home. Spider lilies are striking plants. They have long, dark-green stems that appear in late summer and become topped off by exquisite white or red flowers that resemble spider legs. After flowering is done, silvery, strap-like leaves appear in the fall. Not only are they attractive-looking plants but spider lilies attract hummingbirds, butterflies and beneficial insects.

Planting spider lily bulbs is a simple process provided that you keep the following information in mind: Plant spider lilies in late summer or fall.
Plant spider lily bulbs so that the top of each bulb neck is right at or just above the surface of the soil.
Bulbs should be planted 8 inches deep, spaced 6 to 12 inches apart.

Planting and care

  • Six or more hours of direct or indirect sun per day is recommended to encourage flower production.
  • fertilizer for blooming plants in the spring and at planting time
  • Maintain relative humidity around 40 to 50 percent.
  • Spider lilies love heat and humidity.
  • Don't move plants outdoors until nighttime temperatures are over 60 degrees Fahrenheit because they may die otherwise.


  • The root is used in the treatment of swellings, ulcers and the nervous afflictions of children.
  • The bulb is emetic and expectorant, a decoction is used to counteract poison and is also applied to ulcers and swellings.
  • The bulb can be made into a plaster and is then applied to burns and scalds.

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