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Lucky Bamboo Plant

Lucky Bamboo Plant

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The Lucky Bamboo plant has naked branches that end in tufts of long, thin leaves. As the plant ages, the growing leaves eventually develop into the plant stalk. For this reason, once the stalk is cut, it will no longer grow taller. As the stalk develops, the plant can be manipulated by wires to take on commonly-seen twisting, bending shapes. Leaves that have developed into a stalk can be clipped at its base and placed in distilled water to start more bamboo. The "parent" stalk then grows more leaf sprouts and continues this cycle.

Lucky Bamboo is a very low-maintainance plant. It can make a great office or house plant, as it prefers an indoor, low-light environment away from direct sunlight. Lucky Bamboo does not need soil or fertilizer to grow. In fact, it will be just fine in distilled or purified water. Simply place the plant in about one inch of distilled or purified water. Because Lucky Bamboo is a long-lived plant, even bottled water can create a build-up of salt or minerals in the plant container which can be harmful to the Bamboo.

Planting and care

  • Lucky bamboo grows well under bright light. It can also tolerate lower light levels but it will not grow much.
  • Do not use tap water, if the water is hard. Your lucky bamboo will grow much better with distilled or purified water.
  • Do not let the lucky bamboo dry out – keep the roots covered with water at all times.
  • Do not keep the water level too high and ensure that only the roots are submerged.
  • Do not place the lucky bamboo plant near a heating or cooling vent. Also, keep it away from any cold air.
  • Do not let dust collect on the leaves, as the plant needs to breathe through the pores. Periodically clean the leaves with a brush, damp rag and/or spray water on it.
  • Tie the stalks in place with ribbon. This is to ensure that there are no chances of your plant falling over due to its own weight.
  • If your bamboo outgrows its original container, you may need to transfer it into another container that can sustain it.
  • To transfer it, gently dig up the bamboo plant and wash the pebbles, before transferring it to the new pot. Add the bamboo plant, carefully burying the roots beneath the pebbles, to ensure it is completely covered. Keep the water level high enough to cover the roots but not so high that it wets the bamboo stalks.
  • If your lucky bamboo is growing in soil, make sure its container has good drainage.
  • Lucky bamboo plants prefer moist soil but adding too much water to the soil can negatively impact the plant’s growth.
  • Water the soil only when the top inch of the soil is dry.


  • Bamboo helps to keep the environment clean as it is a natural air purifier.
  • The plant is known for bringing good luck and good fortune to the household.
  • Bamboo plants can be easily grown in directions where there is low and indirect light.
  • The stems of this plant give an appealing look to the décor of any style of home.
  • Lucky bamboo plant is believed to create positive energy and safety for house owners.


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