MEDiGLUT-2.45: Glutaraldehyde 2.45% Solutions For Instrument Sterilization

MEDiGLUT-2.45 is Glutaraldehyde solution 2.45% w/v (with liquid activator) is a high grade instrument disinfectant which remains fully activated for up to 14 days after activation. MEDiGLUT 2.45 is a suitable treatment of contaminated medical & surgical instruments, focuses on protecting patients and staff, without affecting the quality of instruments. A unique corrosion inhibition system allied to a slightly alkaline pH solution optimizes efficacy and compatibility.

Glutaraldehyde Solution 2.45% w/v with liquid activator

Disinfectant & Cold Sterilant for heat sensative surgical instruments, Endoscopes, Reusable Medical Devices, Dental & Anaesthetic Instruments  

  • Effective against Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses & Spores
  • Non-Corrosive & Non-Staining 
  • Rapid acting  
Per 5 litre

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