

Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)

Guduchi is an herbal remedy used as a form of immunity support. One of the most popular herbs in Ayurvedic medicine, it is also used as a diuretic, a fever reducer, and a remedy for many other health issues. Guduchi supplements come from the plant Tinospora cordifolia.

Many people hail the guduchi immune booster as an herb of life, or longevity. While the nutritional supplements have been found to help reduce the risk of catching a cold or flu, they can also prevent other immune system issues, such as the side effects from receiving cancer treatments. People who take the supplement report having less anxiety and stress, as well as being able to ward off illnesses and infections.

Some studies show that the herbal supplement may be beneficial against several chronic conditions. Patients with asthma may find relief from guduchi capsules. The liver can be protected with the herb, helping people ward off jaundice, toxins, and other ailments. People with frequent skin disorders, such as psoriasis or eczema, may be able to manage their conditions with the herb as well.

Other allergic reactions due to seasonal or chronic allergies may be treated with guduchi. Some studies point to the herb as a possible aid in managing or preventing diabetes and nerve damage. The dietary supplements may also help lower one's cholesterol. The herb is said to work by helping the body's white blood cells work more effectively.

These nutritional supplements are sold mainly in powder form. They are also available as capsules. Some users mix the powder to form a paste for using on skin irritations. 

