Kuber Fragrances have wide variety of product with impeccable quality to suit all the segment. Each product has been meticulously conceptualized & prepared in accordance with the Vedic & Indian's ancient tradition used by monks, which in turn is integrated with technology so that we are able to deliver natural & authentic Indian aroma.A wide Consortium of KUBER DHOOP is available to sanctify your through process and soul . KUBER Fragrances has nationwide network along with international representative. athe works on the promise of unwavering quality in the raw material that it sources and offer a commitment for the finest aroma products across the world.We seek to bring all connoisseurs in India and abroad to enjoy the creation of KUBER. Country of Origin: India
Kuber Gold Premium Dhoop
Product description
Kuber Fragrances have wide variety of product with impeccable quality to suit all the segment. Each product has been meticulously conceptualized & prepared in accordance with the Vedic & Indian's ancient tradition used by monks, which in turn is integrated with technology so that we are able to deliver natural & authentic Indian aroma.A wide Consortium of KUBER DHOOP is available to sanctify your through process and soul . KUBER Fragrances has nationwide network along with international representative. athe works on the promise of unwavering quality in the raw material that it sources and offer a commitment for the finest aroma products across the world.We seek to bring all connoisseurs in India and abroad to enjoy the creation of KUBER. Country of Origin: India