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  • Lotus\Makhana Seeds
  • Lotus\Makhana Seeds
  • Lotus\Makhana Seeds
  • Lotus\Makhana Seeds

Lotus\Makhana Seeds

Per 250 gram

Product details

This is a Vegetarian product.

  • Makhanas, also called fox nuts or lotus seeds, come from a plant called Euryale fox which grows in the stagnant water of wetlands
  • Phool makhana also finds significance in religious ceremonies in India and is a popular 'fasting' dish prepared during Navratri and other occasions
  • They are low in cholesterol, fat and sodium; This makes them an ideal snack to satiate those in-between meal hunger pangs
  • Popular as a fasting food, its health benefits are superior to those of dry fruits such as almonds and walnuts. Maximum Shelf Life 12 Months

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