Guggul Tab

Guggul is made from the sap of the Commiphora mukul tree, which is native to India. It has been used in ayurvedic medicine for centuries for treating cardiac problems and atherosclerosis. In Ayurveda, Guggul is considered “tridoshic”, (balancing to all three doshas in the body). When the three doshas: pitta, kapha and vata are in balance, the result is good health and wellbeing. Guggul is said to stimulate pitta, thus enhancing warmth, digestion, circulatory and reproductive processes. It also regulates vata (movement in the mind and body) and kapha (strength, immunity and growth). Its active ingredient is guggulsterone which helps in reducing cholesterol by converting cholesterol into bile salts and effusing cholesterol metabolites from the liver.
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