The Tuning Fork is a metal instrument with a handle and two prongs or tines
- Tuning forks will vibrate at a set frequency to produce a musical tone when struck
- The vibrations produced can be used to assess a person's ability to hear various sound frequencies
- A vibrating tuning fork held next to the ear or placed against the skull will stimulate the inner ear to vibrate, and can help determine if there is hearing loss
- A doctor first holds a humming tuning fork to your skull and, using a stopwatch, monitors how long you can hear it
- The doctor then strikes the tuning fork again and monitors how long you can hear it when it's held next to your ear
- The fork is made of stainless steel material, thus they are resistant to corrosion and abrasion and can be used for a long time
- The tuning fork is available in the electromagnetic wavelength of 128 Hz