What is White Crush? A novel herbal extract that effectively wards off the problems of White Fly infestation in crops both in open fields and Poly houses for a longer period. The White Fly being a vector for several diseases like viral infections, longer period of control enables crops to be yielding quality output with reduced sprays of pesticides. White Crush is the most promising unique organic insecticide, with excellent activity against the dreaded White fly. White Crush has got local trans-laminar action that effectively puts the white fly population under check for a longer period. An organic pesticide that gives results than any chemical insecticide available for the control of White Flies. Ability to stop resistance building within pest body metabolism. COMPOSITION: 1. Neem Oil : 20% 2. Fish Oil : 25% 3. Sesame Oil : 10% 4. Stabilizers : 45% Dosage 2 ml per Liter of water as foliar spray or 250 ml per acre Time of application Initiate the spray activity once the white fly is at ETL (Economic Threshold Level) The spray can be prophylactic and also as curative Repeat it after a fortnight of first spray for continued protection in the times of higher incidence of pest around the vicinity. Mode of Action * Build resistance blockers in resistance building chain. * Attacks on nerve system of targeted pest. * Strongest anti feeding activity forces the pest to stops feeding on the host. * Pest body loosing calcium++ from body in the form of water and muscle contraction has found. act on the nervous system * It disrupts proper muscle function in insects and therefore represents a novel, unique mode of action. * Treated insects show unique symptoms of poisoning resulting in complete and irreversible contraction paralysis. * The insects loose muscle control, stop feeding, and exhibit a pronounced contraction paralysis of the whole body. Typically, the larvae become immobile or movements are very restricted and extremely slow
Per 250 ml

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