What is Y- Ras? It is a very unique and specific organic input for the longer periods of protection from the widest range of viral infections during the very critical periods of crop growth. Y-Ras offers the considerable reduction of the damage and quick crop recovery for relatively longer periods than any other available chemical options. Composition 1. Oligo Sacharides : 20% 2. Organic Zinc : 10% 3. Organic Magnesium : 5% 4. Organic Iron : 5% 5. Stabilizers : 50% MODE OF ACTION: * Y-Ras enters the plant through the stomata opening and is translocated into the plant system through the vascular bundles. * Y-Ras on entering the effected plant cell encapsulates the viron particles. It reduces the separation of Virus particles in protein and nuclei particles. In the absence of food virus becomes inactive. * Y-Ras opens up the conductive tissues blocked by the movement of virus particles and the plant cell starts to recover. DOSAGE : Apply 250 ml per acre depending on severity as foliar spray. Repeat it 15-20 days depending on the severity of the viral diseases around the crop in other fields. Time of application Start the spray in the early stages of infestation and repeat it at fortnightly intervals Dosage 250 ml per acre or 2 ml per ltr of water when larvae are first observed.
Per 250 ml

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