Wheat Grass

Wheatgrass is packed with a powerful combination of nutrients that make it extremely useful to your health. It has many therapeutic benefits and is known as complete nourishment. The extensive combination of vitamins and nutrients may make wheatgrass an exceptional choice to enhance your well-being. Wheatgrass has antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It contains: iron calcium enzymes magnesium phytonutrients 17 amino acids vitamins A, C, E, K, and B complex chlorophyll proteins 2. It can eliminate toxins The nutrients in wheatgrass aid the bodyTrusted Source in getting rid of impurities and stored toxins. For example, the chlorophyll aids in detoxing the body and helps support healthy liver function. Once your body is cleansed, you may see an increase in energy levels and better health overall. and much more.
Per 50 gram

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