Mathematics Guide Book for Class 9

It is a guide of Mathematics for class 9 students. It is in English Medium. It has chapter topic wise examples, textbook questions and their answers, and important points to remember etc. This book is based on NCERT/CBSE textbook of Mathematics. It contains Sample papers(solved), MCQs with solutions and much more so that students can prepare themselves for the exams. It is strictly based on the new CCE pattern by the CBSE. "Chapter Name" 1. Number Systems 2. Polynomials 3. Coordinate Geometry 4. Linear Equations in Two Variables 5. Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry 6. Lines and Angles 7. Triangles 8. Quadrilaterals 9. Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 10. Circles 11. Constructions 12. Heron’s Formula 13. Surface Areas and Volumes 14. Statistics 15. Probability

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