Organic Jaggery

The sweetness doesn’t change, but the nutrition level does. Unlike sugar, jaggery is a powerhouse of nutrients - rich in iron, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. It also gets digested slowly and releases gradually in your system, not inducing sudden blood sugar spikes.

Be it in your herbal tea or multigrain cookies, Isha Life's 100% natural jaggery makes a perfect replacement for sugar because it is not empty calories, but filled with nutrients.

Why Isha Life's Jaggery?

Helps activate digestive enzymes and stimulates bowel movement
Aids in weight loss by increasing body metabolism
Helps to boost immunity through its antioxidant properties
Is known to help prevent respiratory problems
How to use it?

End your meal with jaggery.
Mix a bit of jaggery with warm water and consume daily.
Use as an all-natural substitute anywhere sugar is normally used (tea, coffee, cookies, cakes and more). 

Per 500 gm
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