Valuing Roles

Even among organizations that do not claim to have a formal basis for establishing individual or job worth, decisions about where and how to place individuals within an organization are taking place all the time. Typically this includes a view about the relative worth of the job as well as the job holder. This is where job evaluation comes in. Job evaluation is about making decisions on the relative worth of the job to the organization. There are many different ways of doing it from the very simple to the extremely sophisticated. This book covers the whole spectrum of how organizations value jobs what is taken into account, and the benefits and risks of different approaches. It recognizes that organizations have different drivers that will influence the decision about which type of approach to use. Valuing Roles offers practical advice on how to determine employee worth, as well as how to structure and implement methods that recognize it. The book highlights the benefits and risks of the different approaches business can use, putting job evaluation into perspective and demonstrating how it links to other people, pay-related processes, systems and policies, ensuring a transparent framework for talent management.
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