Stories of Transformation

Stories of Transformation - Limited Edition 

This is a physical book which is no longer in print, so once they have sold out, they are gone forever. 

Personal transformation often blossoms out of hopelessness and despair. Other times it is driven by anguish and painstaking work. Even mere serendipity can lead to amazing life changes. 

In this inspiring collection of personal stories co-authored by inspirational leaders including Dr Wayne Dyer, Marilyn Devonish, Chunyi Lin, Anthony Robbins, Paul Scheele, and Brian Tracy, you'll learn how others have met adversity, overcome harsh life circumstances, and created fulfilling lives of joyful bliss and abundance. 

Best-selling authors, healers, transformational teachers, and coaches share the pivotal moments of their lives that led them down new and innovative paths and rewarding journeys.  See how their lessons learned can apply to your own life. 

Format: Paperback

Number of Pages: 196

ISBN Number: 13: 978-1-933063-06-05

Condition: Brand New


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