Shea butter fat is extracted from shea tree nuts of West Africa. Shea butter soap has a creamy consistency and its active ingredients can soak into your skin, creating a smooth well moisturized effect that can last several hours. Its high concentrations of fatty acids and vitamins have extensive anti-inflammatory and healing properties that help to condition, tone, and soothe your skin, which helps to manage skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.

Sandalwood essential oil helps to reduce anxiety, fatigue, lack of sleep and calm our senses. All this goodness while renewing our complexion and fighting bacteria to promote healthy skin, is a great treat packaged in our beautifully handcrafted soap bar.

Our soap has Eucalyptus essential oil that naturally nourishes and conditions the skin, while its antibacterial and antiseptic properties helps to inhibit the growth of unwanted bacteria on the skin, fight inflammation and promote healthy and refreshed skin. Inhaling it's vapours help to soothe our breathing, and significantly enhance serotonin production in our bodies to promote feeling calm and relaxed.

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