Prostate Fuel

At an age of 30 and over, men need to focus on their prostate health because it is one of the leading health issues in males, because prostate gland is also essential for fertility. Prostate Fuel brings together potent natural herbal extracts along with dietary supplements in one synergistic functional formulation Herbofoodceutical‘.  This unique and comprehensive blend contains herbal extracts such as saw palmetto, betasitosterol, pumpkin extract as well as essential nutrients such as zinc, copper, manganese which naturally supports healthy prostate functions. It helps to shrink the inner lining of the prostate which then relieve pressure on tubes that carry urine, resulting in reduced urinary urges and promoting a healthy urinary flow. It is beneficial for combating symptoms of an enlarged or inflamed prostate. It also provides nutritional support and help in improving libido level.  Quantity. : 60 capsules
Per piece

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