MYLE POD LEMON MINT is a sugar-free, organic, calorie-free beverage with a tangy, fresh flavor. With only 20 calories per serving, MYLE POD LEMON MINT is a healthy alternative to soda, juice, and other sugary drinks. MYLE POD LEMON MINT has no artificial sweeteners, preservatives, or colors. MYLE POD LEMON MINT is a refreshing beverage that is perfect for any time of day. Drink it chilled in the morning to start your day off right, or enjoy it with a light meal at lunchtime. You can also sip on MYLE POD LEMON MINT to cool down on a hot summer day. MYLE POD LEMON MINT is a delicious and healthy alternative to other sugary drinks. With only 20 calories per serving, MYLE POD LEMON MINT can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere.

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