Santulan Ayurveda - Helping regain Lost Balance

That which can help you regain lost balance is effective Ayurveda.

Nowadays, Ayurveda has reached every home. Ayurveda as an ancient health science has started capturing the attention of the whole world. Hence it is important to understand Ayurveda in the right perspective. Senior Ayurvedacharya, Shreeguru, Dr. Balaji Tambe has devoted his entire life to Ayurveda. His many years of research and experience led to the opening of the Santulan Ayurveda Healing Centre. Patients from all over the world come here for treatment. 

What is so different about Santulan Ayurveda?

We are not a factory to develop and sell medicines. We have practiced, proved and cured with Ayurvedic methods. Our curative approach follows the principle 'the person is his constitution'. Our raw materials are stringently tested in labs. Our GMP certified pharmacy strictly follows ancient Ayurvedic texts for medicines that offer huge benefits to health without any side effects whatsoever. Our medicines are produced with the maximum possible 'sanskaar' (culturing) of Ayurveda are invaluable, high quality contributions to your health. They are being exported to Europe since over 30 years. The purpose of Santulan Ayurveda is to offer health to all – beyond geographies and nations.

'Santulan' is not a business.

Pollution, poor nutrition in food and many other current problems affect growth in children and lead to poor health in adults. How do we get nutrition into the human body properly in these cases? All our 'shastra'-based ingredients are used fully and properly – herbs, milk, curds and other high quality nutritive elements. We follow ancient instructions of 'agni sanskaar', cooking or heating at certain temperatures for a number of hours – processes that increase the efficacy of the formulation. This is the secret behind Santulan's outstanding products. Since this is not a business for us, we don't make any compromises. Instead of inexpensive products of questionable quality, we choose to retain maximum potency that provides path-breaking results. That is why Santulan Ayurveda can claim to recover lost health balance. We are confident of this.

As you look at the clock, to tell the time, the clock has moved on, a few seconds, meanwhile. Time is the only thing that cannot be held back. Therefore, the products we design if taken in life at the right time could help you compete with great success against time itself.

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