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Odi Gelichina Manishi, Malla Reddy
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This is a honest riveting account by Malla Reddy, born and raised in a Kadapa village, and who suffered his first breakdown in his early adulthood. He went on to survive five suicide attempts to emerge victorious. Compassionate doctors, access to modern medicine and an understanding family are what kept him alive and vigorously active. On the spectrum of mental health disorders, schizophrenia is at the extreme end. Hallucinations and strange voices crowd the mind, the line between dream and reality blurs to oblivion and chances of self-harm are the greatest. Malla Reddy’s book is a triumph of his spirit in the face of years of stigma and isolation. His story holds up a mirror to show all of us exactly where we as a society must stand in order to provide the care, compassion, treatment and basic rights that people suffering from schizophrenia or any other mental health disorder so desperately need. Malla Reddy’s account will resonate with the majority of our people who have roots in the village, most of the existing literature centering around sufferers from privileged sections. \n \nAuthor Info : Malla Reddy was born into a rich farmer’s family in Cuddapah and currently stays there. \n \nEditor Shobha Devi retired as Principal of the Government Degree College, Ravuru, Nellore district. She has authored `A Study of 20th Century Women’s Stories in Telugu : A Gender Perspective. She is the grand-daughter of renowned poet Gurram Jashuva. \n \n