

Refund Policy

As a Brand, we always look to provide our Beauties(Customers) with the best quality products, being a women entrepreneur I personally handpick the items with love and believe that our beauties will also love them. In fact, many of our products are handcrafted with love and the utmost care, there can be some imperfections in them as they are purely handmade so please don't take it as a defect as those imperfections are the main feature of handcrafted jewelry which makes it unique. So, before you decide to return a product please do ask yourself if the defect or issue is big enough that you can't use it or gift it to someone. If yes, please follow the given criteria to apply for a return/refund/exchange.

You are eligible for any kind of refund or return ONLY and ONLY IF  the product is wrong/damaged in transit and not in any other cases like color, size, or upon your liking issues regarding the product.

  1. The complaint should be reported within 24 Hours of Parcel Delivery to us via call or WhatsApp at +919891811437 or email us at
  2. Please provide a full 360° Parcel opening uncut, unpaused, and unedited video and should start before the opening of the parcel and should be till the end.
  3. Damaged parts or wrong products should be properly visible otherwise no complaints will be entertained.
  4. After receiving your complaint, our team will look into the matter and update you within 24 hrs.
  5. If your complaint complies with our rules you will get the replacement of the product, we will guide you on how to resend the wrong product to us after we have received it we will dispatch the new same product and in case the same product is not available we will provide you other options of the same range to choose from.

Cases where customers are not eligible for a return/exchanges

  1. If the customer informs us after 24 hours of delivery.
  2. If the customer has not taken the opening video or the video was taken doesn't comply with our policies.
  3. If our team found the product is not damaged or wrong.
  4. If the product is used or damaged in condition compared to the opening video when the customer received it.

Sumakshi  & Krisha Collections reserves the right to deny any unreasonable repairs, returns, and exchanges.
