Fresh Farmse
Honey Ban Tulsi (Wild Basil)
Per 250 gm
Ban Tulsi Honey- The goodness of tulsi with honey!
Ban Tulsi Honey is a natural honey filled with nector collected from flowers of honey basil herbs. Ban Tulsi honey is distinct with its milder and sweeter taste than the conventional honey. Use of Tulsi Honey in daily diet helps build a stronger immunity and develop a healthy gut.
Anti-Inflammatory Agent: Ban Tulsi Honey provides instant relief with inflammatory problems and gives soothing effect in cold and cough or anyone suffering from inflammatory bowel problem.
Cough Reliever: Ban Tulsi is considered to be definite cough reliever as it has double the benefit of honey and tulsi. Just by adding black pepper and ginger you can be assured of remarkable improvement in seasonal coughs.
Skin Cleanser: Ban Tulsi Honey is considered to be an excellent skin cleanser. It easily removes dirt and oil from skin healing any underlying skin disorder and giving a fresh, glowing clean skin.
Disease Fighting Antioxidants: Ban Tulsi honey is considered to be rich with natural antioxidant properties that help protect your immunity additionally giving power to fight major diseases. Tulsi’s medicinal properties blended with honey provides a rich source of immunity to treat cold, cough and other respiratory infections.