Product description


Overload Protection
Dry Run (Under Current) Protection
Tank Full OFF
Motor OFF Timer
Elapsed time indication
Motor Cable Cut Protection
User Adjustable Overload and Dry Run Settings
Digital Ammeter
Digital Voltmeter
Error Display on LCD
Metal Body
Connector type design
Motor ON Indication
Easy Setup and Installation

This product is a motor protection system with in-built motor starter that safeguards the Single Phase Monoblock and Openwell Submersible Motors against Overload and Dry Run. This product also has an OFF timer that can be adjusted by the user. It also offers a feature of turning OFF of the motor when the overhead tank is full. DMC-1 allows the motor load to pass through the CT provided to sense the current . The current drawn by the motor is continuously monitored and displayed on the LCD. The low current and high current settings need to be adjusted by the user. The motor is turned OFF in case of over current, under current (dry run) and when any of the supply phases are absent thus protecting the motor from damages. The reason for the trip is displayed on the LCD. The sensors are provided additionally which when connected to the overhead tank, turns OFF the motor starter when the water fills up. The switch provided on the device can be used to turn ON/OFF the motor.

Maximum Current Range:



For Monoblock Pumps

Connect the incoming power supply lines 220V to connectors 1 and 2 respectively (load wires). 
Connect the motor cables to connectors 3 and 4 respectively (load wires).
Connect the sensor wires to the connectors 5 and 6 (polarity does not matter)

For Openwell Submersible Pumps :

Connect the incoming power supply lines 220V to connectors 1 and 2 respectively (load wires).
Connect the motor cables to the motor starter 
Connect 3 and 4 to the incoming of your motor starter (load wires)
Keep the MCB on the starter always in the ON position
Connect the sensor wires to the connectors 5 and 6 (polarity does not matter) 


The LCD powers up automatically when the supply voltage is given. The motor can be turned ON by pressing the switch on the device. The same switch can be used to turn OFF the motor. While the motor is running, the device safeguards the motor against Overload and Dry Run besides the timing OFF. The sensors are provided as part of the package. If the sensors are connected and placed in the tank, the motor is also turned OFF as soon as the tank fills up. The elapsed time is displayed on the LCD. If the OFF timer is not required, please turn the OFF timer knob completely towards the left hand side.

Technical Specifications:

Wire Size to be used for Connectors 1,2,3 and 4 is a minimum of 1.5 sq. mm
The other wire sizes need to be minimum of 0.5 sq mm

Tripping time:

Overload - 12 seconds
Dry Run (Underload) - 8 seconds
Maximum OFF Time - 120 Minutes


Turn the Overload [H( )] [green knob] to maximum (clockwise)
Turn the Dry Run [L( )] [Blue knob] to minimum (anticlockwise)
Turn ON the motor and observe the load current in the second line of the LCD
Set the Overload H( ) value to 2 points more than the load current by rotating and observing the change in H( ) value in the first line of the LCD.
Set the Dry Run L( ) value to 2 points less than the load current by rotating and observing the change in L( ) value in the first line of the LCD.
Motor OFF Timer is the first knob. If the timer is not required, turn it completely towards the left hand side.
If the OFF timer needs to be set, turn the white knob on the right hand side to increase the time which can be seen on the far right inside the brackets on the second line of the LCD
The numbers appearing next to the current reading outside the brackets are the time elapsed.
Note: Set the L( ) value to minimum if the Dry Run Protection is not required.

Cyclic Timer Settings: 

Press set key to enter the timer settings
Observe the cursor blinking in the ON time
Press increase key (on right hand side) to increase the timings (HH:MM:SS)
Press decrease key (on left hand side) to decrease the timings (HH:MM:SS)
After the ON time is set, press Set button
Observe the cursor blinking in the OFF time
Press increase key (on right hand side) to increase the timings (HH:MM:SS)
Press decrease key (on left hand side) to decrease the timings (HH:MM:SS)
Press Set again to save the timings and exit the settings

Settings to select timer mode:

Power OFF the device
Press and hold the increase and decrease key together
Power ON the device
Release the key as soon as the setting mode prompts
Press increase key to select between Cut Off Mode / Cyclic mode
Press Set button again to save and exit the menu
Note: Set the L( ) value to minimum if the Dry Run Protection is not required.


Naren DMC-1 is used in all Single Phase Monoblock and Openwell Submersible pumps as a protection mechanism to protect the motor against current and voltage irregularities. This device effectively switches OFF the motor in any irregularity and hence prevents burning of the motor windings. The reason for turning OFF is displayed on the LCD which makes the diagnosis easy. The motor safeguarding devices like these are very critical which will save the users from the costs incurred due to motor failures. This product also doubles as a water protection mechanism as the motor is automatically turned OFF as soon as the tank fills up.


This product carries a warranty of 6 months from the date of purchase. Any issues within the warranty period will be attended to free of cost at our works in Bangalore. Post the warranty period, the product will be eligible for the paid service at our works. The invoice copy acts as a warranty card. The shipping of the product for repair will have to be done by the consumer.


Product description


Overload Protection
Dry Run (Under Current) Protection
Tank Full OFF
Motor OFF Timer
Elapsed time indication
Motor Cable Cut Protection
User Adjustable Overload and Dry Run Settings
Digital Ammeter
Digital Voltmeter
Error Display on LCD
Metal Body
Connector type design
Motor ON Indication
Easy Setup and Installation

This product is a motor protection system with in-built motor starter that safeguards the Single Phase Monoblock and Openwell Submersible Motors against Overload and Dry Run. This product also has an OFF timer that can be adjusted by the user. It also offers a feature of turning OFF of the motor when the overhead tank is full. DMC-1 allows the motor load to pass through the CT provided to sense the current . The current drawn by the motor is continuously monitored and displayed on the LCD. The low current and high current settings need to be adjusted by the user. The motor is turned OFF in case of over current, under current (dry run) and when any of the supply phases are absent thus protecting the motor from damages. The reason for the trip is displayed on the LCD. The sensors are provided additionally which when connected to the overhead tank, turns OFF the motor starter when the water fills up. The switch provided on the device can be used to turn ON/OFF the motor.

Maximum Current Range:



For Monoblock Pumps

Connect the incoming power supply lines 220V to connectors 1 and 2 respectively (load wires). 
Connect the motor cables to connectors 3 and 4 respectively (load wires).
Connect the sensor wires to the connectors 5 and 6 (polarity does not matter)

For Openwell Submersible Pumps :

Connect the incoming power supply lines 220V to connectors 1 and 2 respectively (load wires).
Connect the motor cables to the motor starter 
Connect 3 and 4 to the incoming of your motor starter (load wires)
Keep the MCB on the starter always in the ON position
Connect the sensor wires to the connectors 5 and 6 (polarity does not matter) 


The LCD powers up automatically when the supply voltage is given. The motor can be turned ON by pressing the switch on the device. The same switch can be used to turn OFF the motor. While the motor is running, the device safeguards the motor against Overload and Dry Run besides the timing OFF. The sensors are provided as part of the package. If the sensors are connected and placed in the tank, the motor is also turned OFF as soon as the tank fills up. The elapsed time is displayed on the LCD. If the OFF timer is not required, please turn the OFF timer knob completely towards the left hand side.

Technical Specifications:

Wire Size to be used for Connectors 1,2,3 and 4 is a minimum of 1.5 sq. mm
The other wire sizes need to be minimum of 0.5 sq mm

Tripping time:

Overload - 12 seconds
Dry Run (Underload) - 8 seconds
Maximum OFF Time - 120 Minutes


Turn the Overload [H( )] [green knob] to maximum (clockwise)
Turn the Dry Run [L( )] [Blue knob] to minimum (anticlockwise)
Turn ON the motor and observe the load current in the second line of the LCD
Set the Overload H( ) value to 2 points more than the load current by rotating and observing the change in H( ) value in the first line of the LCD.
Set the Dry Run L( ) value to 2 points less than the load current by rotating and observing the change in L( ) value in the first line of the LCD.
Motor OFF Timer is the first knob. If the timer is not required, turn it completely towards the left hand side.
If the OFF timer needs to be set, turn the white knob on the right hand side to increase the time which can be seen on the far right inside the brackets on the second line of the LCD
The numbers appearing next to the current reading outside the brackets are the time elapsed.
Note: Set the L( ) value to minimum if the Dry Run Protection is not required.

Cyclic Timer Settings: 

Press set key to enter the timer settings
Observe the cursor blinking in the ON time
Press increase key (on right hand side) to increase the timings (HH:MM:SS)
Press decrease key (on left hand side) to decrease the timings (HH:MM:SS)
After the ON time is set, press Set button
Observe the cursor blinking in the OFF time
Press increase key (on right hand side) to increase the timings (HH:MM:SS)
Press decrease key (on left hand side) to decrease the timings (HH:MM:SS)
Press Set again to save the timings and exit the settings

Settings to select timer mode:

Power OFF the device
Press and hold the increase and decrease key together
Power ON the device
Release the key as soon as the setting mode prompts
Press increase key to select between Cut Off Mode / Cyclic mode
Press Set button again to save and exit the menu
Note: Set the L( ) value to minimum if the Dry Run Protection is not required.


Naren DMC-1 is used in all Single Phase Monoblock and Openwell Submersible pumps as a protection mechanism to protect the motor against current and voltage irregularities. This device effectively switches OFF the motor in any irregularity and hence prevents burning of the motor windings. The reason for turning OFF is displayed on the LCD which makes the diagnosis easy. The motor safeguarding devices like these are very critical which will save the users from the costs incurred due to motor failures. This product also doubles as a water protection mechanism as the motor is automatically turned OFF as soon as the tank fills up.


This product carries a warranty of 6 months from the date of purchase. Any issues within the warranty period will be attended to free of cost at our works in Bangalore. Post the warranty period, the product will be eligible for the paid service at our works. The invoice copy acts as a warranty card. The shipping of the product for repair will have to be done by the consumer.

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