Product description


Overload Protection
Dry Run (Under Current) Protection
Single Phase Protection
Motor Cable Cut Protection
User Adjustable Overload and Dry Run Settings
3 Phase Digital Ammeter
Digital Voltmete
Error Display on LCD
Metal Body
Built in CTs
Wire passing through type design
Motor ON Indication
Easy Setup and Installation


1HP to 12.5 HP

This product is a motor protection system that safeguards the 3 Phase Motor against Overload, Dry Run and Single Phasing. This product has to be attached to the existing motor starter. It allows the motor load to pass through it. The current drawn in all the 3 lines are continuously monitored and displayed on the LCD. The low current and high current settings need to be adjusted by the user. The motor is turned OFF in case of over current, under current (dry run) and when any of the supply phases are absent thus protecting the motor from damages.


Maximum Current Range:




Connect L1 and L2 to 440V Auxiliary supply
Connect C1 and C2 in series with the holding contact of the Contactor (Current sensing preventor connections)
Pass all the 3 load wires (current carrying wires) inside the tubes provided underneath(direction doesn’t matter).

Note: It is very important to pass the loads wire through the tube provided to sense the current.



The LCD powers up automatically when the supply voltage is given. On sensing the current in the CT (wire passed through the tubes), C1 and C2(Normally open contact) will close. C1 and C2 will remain closed till current is within the set limit. C1 and C2 open only during the faulty conditions or when the motor is switched off manually. The reason for the trip is displayed on the LCD.

Technical Specifications:

Normally open Dry Relay Contacts

Wire Size to be used for L1, L2 and C1, C2 is a minimum of 0.5 sq. mm
Relay Closing time when currents are detected - 1 second

Tripping time:
Overload - 12 seconds
Dry Run (Underload) - 8 seconds
Single Phasing - 2 Seconds



Turn the Overload [H( )] [green knob] to maximum (clockwise)
Turn the Dry Run [L( )] [Blue knob] to minimum (anticlockwise)
Turn ON the motor and observe the load current in the second line of the LCD
Set the Overload H( ) value to 2 points more than the load current by rotating and observing the change in H( ) value in the first line of the LCD.
Set the Dry Run L( ) value to 2 points less than the load current by rotating and observing the change in L( ) value in the first line of the LCD.

Note: Set the L( ) value to minimum if the Dry Run Protection is not required.


Naren UCOCR-2 is used in all 3 Phase Submersible Starters as a protection mechanism to protect the motor against current and voltage irregularities. This device effectively switches OFF the motor in any irregularity and hence prevents burning of the motor windings. The reason for turning OFF is displayed on the LCD which makes the diagnosis easy. The motor safeguarding devices like these are very critical which will save the users from the costs incurred due to motor failures.



This product carries a warranty of 6 months from the date of purchase. Any issues within the warranty period will be attended to free of cost at our works in Bangalore. Post the warranty period, the product will be eligible for the paid service at our works. The invoice copy acts as a warranty card. The shipping of the product for repair will have to be done by the consumer.


Product description


Overload Protection
Dry Run (Under Current) Protection
Single Phase Protection
Motor Cable Cut Protection
User Adjustable Overload and Dry Run Settings
3 Phase Digital Ammeter
Digital Voltmete
Error Display on LCD
Metal Body
Built in CTs
Wire passing through type design
Motor ON Indication
Easy Setup and Installation


1HP to 12.5 HP

This product is a motor protection system that safeguards the 3 Phase Motor against Overload, Dry Run and Single Phasing. This product has to be attached to the existing motor starter. It allows the motor load to pass through it. The current drawn in all the 3 lines are continuously monitored and displayed on the LCD. The low current and high current settings need to be adjusted by the user. The motor is turned OFF in case of over current, under current (dry run) and when any of the supply phases are absent thus protecting the motor from damages.


Maximum Current Range:




Connect L1 and L2 to 440V Auxiliary supply
Connect C1 and C2 in series with the holding contact of the Contactor (Current sensing preventor connections)
Pass all the 3 load wires (current carrying wires) inside the tubes provided underneath(direction doesn’t matter).

Note: It is very important to pass the loads wire through the tube provided to sense the current.



The LCD powers up automatically when the supply voltage is given. On sensing the current in the CT (wire passed through the tubes), C1 and C2(Normally open contact) will close. C1 and C2 will remain closed till current is within the set limit. C1 and C2 open only during the faulty conditions or when the motor is switched off manually. The reason for the trip is displayed on the LCD.

Technical Specifications:

Normally open Dry Relay Contacts

Wire Size to be used for L1, L2 and C1, C2 is a minimum of 0.5 sq. mm
Relay Closing time when currents are detected - 1 second

Tripping time:
Overload - 12 seconds
Dry Run (Underload) - 8 seconds
Single Phasing - 2 Seconds



Turn the Overload [H( )] [green knob] to maximum (clockwise)
Turn the Dry Run [L( )] [Blue knob] to minimum (anticlockwise)
Turn ON the motor and observe the load current in the second line of the LCD
Set the Overload H( ) value to 2 points more than the load current by rotating and observing the change in H( ) value in the first line of the LCD.
Set the Dry Run L( ) value to 2 points less than the load current by rotating and observing the change in L( ) value in the first line of the LCD.

Note: Set the L( ) value to minimum if the Dry Run Protection is not required.


Naren UCOCR-2 is used in all 3 Phase Submersible Starters as a protection mechanism to protect the motor against current and voltage irregularities. This device effectively switches OFF the motor in any irregularity and hence prevents burning of the motor windings. The reason for turning OFF is displayed on the LCD which makes the diagnosis easy. The motor safeguarding devices like these are very critical which will save the users from the costs incurred due to motor failures.



This product carries a warranty of 6 months from the date of purchase. Any issues within the warranty period will be attended to free of cost at our works in Bangalore. Post the warranty period, the product will be eligible for the paid service at our works. The invoice copy acts as a warranty card. The shipping of the product for repair will have to be done by the consumer.

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