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Blog: Super Herbs

5 Immunity-Boosting Super Herbs in Ayurveda for optimum health 

The world is constantly changing, and along with it, our lifestyles are changing too. Everyday, we are subjected to high pollution levels and stresses of the modern day life. These conditions can be highly detrimental to the human system and staying healthy has become a massive challenge in the current times. With a pandemic, and multitudes of viruses around, immunity becomes an important factor to beat the enormous challenge to find remedies for dangerous diseases.

India is known for its ayurvedic proactices. In Ayurveda, immunity is known as Ojas or the supreme resilience of the body against diseases. When your body gets enough and adequate nourishment, your Ojas become very strong and you stay healthy. There are some effective herbs suggested in ayurveda that are known for their Immunity Boosting Properties. Using these herbs in your day to day life, along with having a balanced diet can do wonders to your immune system making ti strong and resistant to illnesses.  

Let’s have a look at  5 Immunity-Boosting Super Herbs in Ayurveda for optimum health and wellness 

1. Giloy (Guduchi)

If you want to kickstart your immune system during this pandemic scare, look no further. The  remedial plant of Giloy is not only an abundant source of antioxidants, but it also helps in removing toxins from your body, alleviating the symptoms of cold, cough, and fever, and fighting liver disease and urinary tract infections. If you are suffering from diabetes, Giloy may also help in balancing the blood sugar levels in your body as it acts as a hypoglycaemic agent. Simple ways to consume Giloy is in the form of Giloy Ras / Juice or in the Form of Giloy Vati or tablets. These are easily available in the markets. 

2. Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Perhaps one of the richest sources of vitamin C, Amla is perfect for building overall immunity, as it can rejuvenate and revitalize the body systems. Amla is cooling in nature and can help remove excess body heat, thus often recommended in pitta conditions. It is also helpful in afflictions of the gastrointestinal tract. Amla is also believed to stimulate the regeneration of red blood cells and help improve hemoglobin content in the body. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can help soothe joint pains. Amla is often used in powder form but is also available as tablets or liquid extracts. It is best to consume amla in raw form. Amla juice can be consumed by mixing it with water, twice a day. 

3. Tulsi

It is known for its numerous benefits and exceptional medicinal properties. Often referred to as the queen of herbs, tulsi is rich in vitamin C, A, and K. Tulsi helps in reducing fever and is an excellent remedy for common cold or cough. Apart from this, it can even assist in good heart health. Tulsi can be consumed in the form of Tulsi Ark which is the purect form of tulsi extracts that is easily available in the markets today. 

4. Turmeric

Also known as Haldi, it is a staple in every Indian household. Besides enhancing the flavor of food, turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. “Rich in antioxidants, turmeric helps maintain heart health, reduces the risk of cardiac ailments, and even has anti-cancer properties. It is also widely used in skincare and as a remedy for cuts and wounds as it helps heal and soothe the skin,” he added.

5. Ashwagandha

It is the most important herb that is beneficial for treating different health conditions. Ayurveda praises ashwagandha for its longevity and vitality tonic. Ashwagandha is widely recognized for its benefits, and one such benefit is that it modulates and boosts the immune system. It increases the number of pathogen-fighting agents and reverses the ill effects of anticancer drugs on the immune system. Include Ashwagandha in the form of Juice everyday for maximum benefits. 

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