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Desmarres Lid Retractor I Stainless Steel I Scientific Indian

Desmarres Lid Retractor I Stainless Steel I Scientific Indian

Size: Size 1

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This is the commonest retractor used in strabismus,  scleral  buckling and  oculoplasty procedures and  surgery. There is a flat serrated handle  with an 11 mm wide retractor blade and an overall length of 5.5  inches. The retractor is typically useful for muscle exposure in limbal  conjunctival insertion and is especially useful where there is a need  to approach the posterior sclera, such as placing a retro-equatorial  myopexy suture or reinsertion of the rectus muscle during large  recessions. It is also useful to expose the superior oblique tendon  during surgery. It is also used in retraction of soft tissues in scleral  buckling while passing sutures or silicone band or tyre.

  • ACCURATE CURVATURE: to helps in exposing extra-ocular muscles in strabismus,  scleral  buckling and  Oculoplasty procedures and  surgery.
  • LARGE CURVE : Helps in extra-ocular muscle isolation without traumatising the adjoining tissue.
  • LONG HANDLE for proper manipulation during surgery.

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