Product details
It is a curved retractor with forked tip which are used during the scleral buckling procedure in retinal detachment surgery.it is especially important during exposure of sclera from tendons and muscles. This retractor facilitated the exposure of posterior sclera which is difficult to expose during scleral buckling. its utility is specially important in Needle drainage under visualization, Suprachoroidal buckling, Intrascleral buckle, In cases with posterior break, wide buckle , Minimal segmental buckling and the cases of Incomplete drainage. it Help in exposing sclera around muscle insertion. It Protects globe during the scleral buckling dissection and exposure. 150 mm length for easy assistance by the second surgeon during the scleral buckling surgery.
FORKED TIP : Helps in exposing sclera around muscle insertion
CURVED BLADES: Protects globe during the scleral buckling dissection and exposure.
SERRATED HANDLE: Provides firm grip during surgery and to prevent slipping.
LONG LENGTH: 150 mm length for easy assistance by the second surgeon during the scleral buckling surgery.
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