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Mc Pherson Corneal Forceps Angled I Scientific Indian I Stainless Steel

Mc Pherson Corneal Forceps Angled I Scientific Indian I Stainless Steel

Product details

Medical Forcep Mc Pherson Corneal Angled 

Scientific Indian McPherson Corneal Forcep Angled is a surgical instrument used during various types of Microscopic surgeries like Phaco-emulsification SICS , Trabeculectomy, and corneal transplant surgeries. Scientific Indian Mc Pherson Corneal Forceps is specially designed to provide the surgeon slip-proof grip of objects like rigid or foldable Intraocular lens and fine suture like10-0 during any surgical procedure. Its Amphi-dextrous design allows easy switching of the forceps between two hands as per the requirement. It ensures easy and smooth tying and holding of the Intra-ocular lens or suture without risk of cutting, entangling, or knotting of the suture or damage to the lens during the procedure. The anti-slip design of the body facilitates a strong grip of forceps even with the moist gloved hands.




ANTI SLIP DESIGN: Intelligently placed holes on the Scientific Indian Mc Pherson Corneal Forceps provide you a perfect grip even when the gloves are on and moist during the surgery. Scientific Indian Mc Pherson Corneal Forceps Blades are designed to hold even the finest 10-0 sutures during surgery. It prevents the breaking or entangling of sutures during tying. It prevents the damage of the Intra-ocular lens during its handling and implantation.


AMBIDEXTROUS USE: The intelligent design ensures that it can be used with either hand and can be easily switched between the hands during the surgery.

FUNCTIONALITY The accurate angle of the Mc Pherson Corneal Forceps and proper alignment of blades designed for easy holding and tying of suture in the narrow surgical plane and proper holding of Intra-ocular lens during its Implantation.


SUPERIOR CRAFTSMANSHIP: This a High-Quality Stainless Steel Instruments made from surgical-grade stainless steel and is handcrafted by highly trained instrument makers. Later the instrument is surface treated to give them the matte finish. It comes with an instruction manual which gives for cleaning, care, and storage of the instruments.


QUALITY CONTROL: All instruments Conform with the surgical instrument guidelines by IS, EU and FDA.


Restrict to professional use only.

Instruments should be washed clean of all residues, dried, and inspected after each use.



Multi-enzyme cleaners specially designed for use on surgical stainless steel or titanium instruments are acceptable for use in the cleaning process.

Details are provided in the instruction manual with the set/instrument.



An ultrasonic cleaner could also be used in the instrument cleaning process, but not as the sole cleaning method. The instrument should be cleaned with multi-enzyme cleaner and be flushed with distilled water prior to being placed in the ultrasonic cleaner.

Details are provided in the instruction manual with the set/instrument.



The most practical method of sterilization is heat or steam, which requires less time, however, these methods can be damaging to delicate stainless steel instruments. Please, be sure that you and the members of your staff have read and understood the instructions supplied by the manufacturer of your particular sterilizer.

Stainless steel and titanium instruments can be sterilized via steam autoclaving, chemical disinfectants, ethylene oxide gas, or even dry hot air.

Details are provided in the instruction manual with the set/instrument.



Surgical instruments should be stored in sterilizing trays of proper size and lined with soft silicone mats. We recommend using protective tips made of soft silicone tubing of the proper size and thickness. Details are provided in the instruction manual with the set/instrument.



We offer repair services to the instrument to our clients. the instruments with proven manufacturing defects are replaced by us.



instruments set and all the instruments are available on various online platforms for easy availability.


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