You’re probably thinking… “Oh no, not another ‘how to make money online’ blog post”. This one’s different than the rest- meaning no, we are not blindly listing side gigs you can take up. I’ll tell you how to really make money online minus the fluffy, generic sugarcoated advice. Read on.
Typing the keyword “how to make money online” on the Google search bar would give you millions of results—3,56,00,00,000 in my case.
Yay! More than enough resources that you can consume in your lifetime!
Good and bad news.
The good news is it’s REAL. With the number of people cashing in on this thing and all the written resources telling you how to do it, this tells you that this thing works.
The bad side is, having millions of guides is not helping. It’s actually overwhelming. Why sift through ALL those posts when all you need is a simple solution?
Whatever your skill is, it’s 100% sure that there’ll be a job (or a gig) for you here. Somewhere out there, somebody’s in dire need of your services.
Whether it’s writing, teaching, or designing T-shirts and tattoos, you’re definitely in. Heck, some people are even paid for creating spoofing and pranking! You can certainly make money off anything these days.
It is now very possible to pursue your career goals wherever you are in the walks of life. Yes, becoming your community’s go-to source of comedic TikTok videos counts. All you need is a working laptop and your neighbor’s Wi-Fi (if you don’t have one yet).
Now, you’re at the gates of the real ultimate guide in making money online, keep walking. You can thank me later.
Key Factors to Consider When Making Money Online
At this point, you’re probably all ears.
The real question now more than the how is this: “How do you want to earn online?”.
Move over selling gift cards online or filling online surveys, I’m here to enlist a wide range of ideas of how you can make money online. Clue: It should be fun way to make money for you so you’d have the energy to keep going.
I figured this is a difficult question to answer so I’ve come up with a checklist to help you narrow it all down.
- Your skills
- Your competitors
- The work intensity you’re committing to
- Your available time and resources for learning
- Your investment (i.e., you’ll have to buy a domain for your website, that kind of stuff)
Let’s talk about it one by one.
Your skills
It’s best to revisit your strengths so you’ll know what’s the best way to make money online for you- one that keeps your pocket warm and your mind engaged.
Then there are multiple ways to make money online. Do you want to provide freelance services? Put up an online store? Create crafts? Cook and sell food online? Teach kids Spanish? Or maybe sell your brain? Like a consultant, I mean.
Try listing down your skills and pick 3-5 which you want to focus on. You’ll get more ideas to make money online as you go through so do this after reading the entire article.
Your competitors
Not that you wanna win and kick them out of the picture, but you will learn a thing or two from them. No, silly. I’m not telling you to copy their biz either. You just have to know what the market is digging into. Plus, you’ll also need to strategize how to break into the industry. You have to make your business different so stands out.
The work intensity you’re committing to
Don’t believe anyone who says that earning online is easy peasy. You’ll have to put in the work. So to be successful in this thing, you gotta ask yourself, “How much work am I willing to put in?”. Because a huge part of your success is going to depend on this.
Your available time and resources for learning
The online space is different. So depending on your strategy, you’ll more likely have to learn new things. Sometimes, you even have to spend on courses, learn stuff yourself or if you’re a bit resourceful, get someone to do it for you. And this brings us to the last one…
Your investment
If you want to put up an eCommerce store, for example, you’ll have to shell out some cash to get your online store up and running. You’ll have to buy a domain, web hosting, a platform, and even spend on Facebook or Google ads.
After reading the checklist, your ideas of what online businesses to pursue may have probably dwindled. But hope your spirit didn’t!
Ironically, the idea of a checklist might be intimidating to others, and this kind of table can cause some people to cringe, break down, or even totally back out from their money-making endeavors.
It can give the impression of telling people that there’s too much to be ticked off in order to achieve success. But we need to break down each idea here according to this list to make things easier for you.
Plus, there are already several sites and apps designed to help you develop your online dream business so let’s go.
25 (Fun) Ways to Make Money Online
Have you ever heard of something like launching your business in 30 seconds or earning and keeping track of your profits while you sleep? They do exist. I mean, it’s 2021 already. We’ll get to it later in this article.
To get your ideas flowing, I’ve listed out 25 money-making ideas you can try on the Internet. You’ll see, that online success does not require you to be a computer geek or a techie anymore.
And, as promised, I’ll break down each of these ways into:
- Ease of execution
- Barrier to entry
- Tech Skills Required
- Platform Required
- Investments needed
Told you I’ll make things easier for you.
1. Sell products online
- Ease of execution: Low
- Barrier to entry: Low
- Tech skill required? No
- Platform required? Yes. You can use selling platforms like Dukaan
- Investments needed: Just the things that you’ll sell
You can start small.
If you have stuff to sell, say, a second-hand car, baked pastries, your mom’s jewelry (make sure it’s for sale)… then the Internet is the place to be!
Expand your market on craigslist if you wish to sell antiques, books, musical instruments, or your baby’s outgrown clothing or infant seat. Or you can post an announcement if you wish to start a garage sale to declutter.
Or maybe you can try the Facebook Market for more visibility since everyone’s already on social media these days.
Now if you want to scale your online selling, it can transform into an eCommerce business. It’s one of the common ways to make it big online.
When you plan to sell online, choose a platform because it’s easier to sell that way. You’d have the tools you need.
2. Become an influencer
- Ease of execution: Difficult
- Barrier to entry: Low
- Tech skill required? No, but you’ll need to edit photos or videos
- Platform required? No. You can start with social media.
- Investments needed: You
If you believe that you’ve got the “it” factor, then why not become an influencer?
“It” does not only mean celebrity-ish traits. “It” pertains to the ability to inspire change (or more like purchases) one view at a time.
Yep, a view. You earn as people view, click, and engage with your posts. That’s why it’s best to pick your niche first– something you’re good at, something you can talk non-stop about, or something you believe in. Make it your content.
Whenever you’ve decided, pick a tool. For instance, share your videos on Youtube and get paid for something that comes naturally to you. It’s hailed as the world’s 2nd largest search engine, after all.

Be a YouTuber, set up your YouTube channel and earn for the views you receive on your YouTube videos. YouTube takes around a 45% slice of advertising revenue. Usually, the CPM (cost per thousand) that advertisers are charged varies.
Easy money, eh?
3. Become a freelancer
- Ease of execution: Low
- Barrier to entry: Medium
- Tech skill required? Maybe, depending on the skill
- Platform required? No, but having a website is extra.
- Investments needed: A portfolio, time, and learning how to sell yourself.
I mentioned becoming an influencer earlier. I bet it was a rollercoaster of emotions where you’re too excited the first second, then depressed next, thinking about who’ll narrate for your croaky voice, write the script, or do the straining video editing.
The answer is, definitely not you.
This is where freelancers come into play. You could hire one. Or you could even be one.
A freelancer is one who
Freelancing comes with these notions: working remotely at the hotel seaside, sipping piña colada, with incredibly good Internet speed, and earning lots of $$$ to pay for the hotel room.
This is how much they make by the hour.

Nevertheless, being a freelancer is all these. And even more.
What I’m saying is, in freelancing, you can do anything and get compensated. Check out these crazy gig ideas by real freelancers at Fiverr:
- Create Crazy Dog Videos
- Draw Crazy Monster Portraits
- Do Special Announcements Like Mr. Baloney Macaroni
- Become A Crazy Mad Scientist
- Do Pranks Or Something Fun
- Cast Love Spells
- Trace People’s Family Tree
- Create Personalized Hogwarts Acceptance Letters (98 reviews)
Get my point? You get to make money online by being your kooky self! But don’t you worry, there are still plenty of job listings for the boring work that you do.
If you’re on the serious side of the spectrum, then here are some of the most lucrative freelancing skills that almost feel like you’re still doing corporate tasks.
4. Sell your knowledge (consultation)
- Ease of execution: Low
- Barrier to entry: Low to Medium, depending on your industry
- Tech skill required? No
- Platform required? No, but having your own website makes you more credible.
- Investments needed: Marketing. So you can find clients.
There are professors who have already retired from the academy but still accept thesis consultations from university students via Zoom. They’re the epitome of the proverb “where there is a will, there is a way”. Now there’s no excuse for couch potatoes.
At the time of the global crisis, we thought that we were constricted to the four corners of our room, much to our respective careers. Amid these, our monitors become a window of hope…or an ATM screen capable of emitting cash, depending on how you see it.
If you have legit knowledge on something, say, you’re an experienced financial advisor or a physical education teacher who does Zumba, then you are very much welcome to Zoom or Skype your knowledge—for a fee.
There will never be a better time for you to monetize your knowledge to make money online than right now!
5. Sell digital products
- Ease of execution: Medium to Difficult
- Barrier to entry: High
- Tech skill required? Yes (to set up your website)
- Platform required? Yes and no. You can distribute on sites like Dukaan, Amazon, GumRoad, Patreon
- Investments needed: Time to create the products, your website, knowledge
If you’re an expert of some sort (or you just have discovered a really effective way of say, running a successful Etsy shop or running a profitable Facebook ads campaign), then selling digital products is the best choice for you to make money online.
You probably have been taking advantage of the Internet before everyone else did. You’re a pioneer.
If you’re a web designer, a graphic artist, or a seasoned freelancer…well hey, clients are scrambling for your services these days. It’s time that you productize your services and make money.
Marketing, copywriting and advertising agencies would want to learn from you too. Rather than waiting for job posts, have an edge among the others and package your service into products. That way, you’re passively earning from the knowledge you’ve accumulated after all those years.
I shouldn’t be teaching you the ways to get paid, you techie.
6. Review apps And websites
- Ease of execution: Low
- Barrier to entry: Low
- Tech skill required? No
- Platform required? No.
- Investments needed: Time and computer
Got so much time in your hands acting as a CCTV of other people’s lives? Save your “editorial” skills in another place, somewhere you can actually earn from. Quit spying on your neighbor, Karen, and tackle apps and websites instead.
Get the user’s feels with User Feel. This website has 140,000 testers from all over the world. Your task is to review the client’s app or website on how it’s easy or hard to use, how people interact within the app or feedback on the vibe it gives out. Your opinion is paid on this one, so you can quit people-watching. Apply to be a tester here.
Or maybe give others a chance to optimize the performance of their digital products from chatbots, games, and VRs to smart devices and online shops at Testbirds. Fly high and be a virtual hero.
7. Sell photos
- Ease of execution: Easy to Medium
- Barrier to entry: Low
- Tech skill required? No
- Platform required? No.
- Investments needed: Camera and your photography skills
Always out of the picture and behind the camera because of your photography skill? It’s time for you to be in the spotlight. We mean, it’s time to sell your photos online to earn some extra cash.
Sell your shots online and earn moolah from several income streams. Yeah, it’s possible given the various sites that license images nowadays. These include Canva, Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, Twenty20, and so on.
Everyone with a camera is already a photographer in today’s world. Create a niche for your business and optimize your portfolio. People nowadays need fresh photos for their online endeavours. So it would be a smart move to supply them with your cool shots.
And that’s another skill a photographer must have: be swift to capture life with your camera, sell the images, and earn real quick too.
8. Start blogging the right way
- Ease of execution: Difficult (you have to be patient, it’ll take a while)
- Barrier to entry: High
- Tech skill required? Yes
- Platform required? Yes, you’ll need your own blog.
- Investments needed: Blog and your creative ideas
Blogging tends to reflect a customer’s personal experience with a product, accommodation, or brand. That’s why it isn’t likely to end in the near future.
6 ways on how to start blogging right. Read on:
- Pick your blog’s name and niche
- Get your blog online (web hosting)
- Design your blog with a free WordPress theme
- Write your first blog post
- Promote your blog and get readers
- Make money from your blog
Basically, that’s it! Simple, right? Not to mention it’s fun to start a blogging career too. There are so many sites available for bloggers. How fun it is to get to choose where to earn some passive income from. You can even start for free!
Also, if ranting is your thing, start blogging. It works there.
9. Do affiliate marketing
- Ease of execution: Low
- Barrier to entry: Low
- Tech skill required? No
- Platform required? No. But you’ll need an audience.
- Investments needed: Just content and an audience.
I’ve mentioned affiliate marketing earlier.
Simply put, marketers and advertisers have to constantly promote their brands. Affiliate marketing plays an essential role in this process. Through their reviews, affiliates market the products on different websites and apps. When a buyer clicks an affiliate link to purchase that product, the affiliate marketer gets credit for the lead.
One thing that you need to know is that the pay usually depends on the affiliate program you signed in for. No beating around the bush. That means how much passive income you make is going to vary source to source.
If you’re asking if you can get rich by doing this job, the answer is a big yes. Especially if you close in huge accounts, your content = $$$$$$.
Here’s Pat Flynn’s affiliate income report, along with 9 other affiliate marketers.
10. Teach students online
- Ease of execution: Low
- Barrier to entry: Low
- Tech skill required? No
- Platform required? No.
- Investments needed: Computer and patience
These days, Zoom is the new classroom. Skype is the new hype. Take advantage of this way to make money.
Amid the pandemic, boredom pushes people to try new stuff like art, playing an instrument, making candles, cooking, yoga, and even whispers burlesque dancing.
All these are already possible online. So if you’ve got the skill that you’d like to share with the universe, you can try if this works for you.
If you’re already a teacher by profession, you can do tutoring for academic subjects. Not only university students need these, but kindergarten kids as well.
Did you know that you can also earn by teaching English? Get good pay by resonating the colonial mentality in you.
11. Trade or invest in stocks
- Ease of execution: Difficult
- Barrier to entry: Low
- Tech skill required? No
- Platform required? No
- Investments needed: Just the things that you’ll sell
Back in the early 90s, talking about stocks and investment would make you sound like a big business mogul– not anymore.
Investing has been so easy and quick to do already, just download a trusted app, scan your ID, do some identity proofing, and poof– you’re good to go. Don’t forget the money you’ll use to invest, obviously.
Now, this is how you literally earn dollars as you snore under your sheets.
There’s no need to climb the steep learning curve and study how the stock’s slopes go up and down. There are plenty of financial advisors nowadays (just beware of self-proclaimed ones)…or what do you say, consult a Robo-advisor?
With everything so hi-tech nowadays, you’d kinda feel obsolete if you miss out on these new trends.
12. Start a podcast
- Ease of execution: Medium
- Barrier to entry: Low
- Tech skill required? Yes
- Platform required? Yes
- Investments needed: Ideas, podcast equipment, editing tools
Do you have a voice as sleek as a Disc Jockeys? Or maybe you’ve got interesting ideas enough to make up for the lack of a DJ voice? Then you can monetize a podcast and start making money.
By taking advantage of your speaking or storytelling abilities, Statista has compelling data that will make you want to grab that mic and start your own show.
Everything’s a giveaway now. So much for being spoon-fed.
13. Play games
- Ease of execution: Low
- Barrier to entry: Low
- Tech skill required? No
- Platform required? Yes
- Investments needed: Courage and strategy
I’m not gonna talk about joining the Squid Game, chill.
I’ve listed a dozen already and if you’re still not convinced by my money-making suggestions then this might work for you.
Remember the ancient Solitaire, Wheel of Fortune, or the Bingo Bash that your ancestors usually played? Well, their modern version is in the form of NFT Games.

You make money by breeding, battling, and trading these cute creatures. Yes, you read it correctly. This is indeed a legit way to make money.
Don’t be fooled by this childlike illustration. These cryptocurrency games can give—and rob—you a serious amount of money. There’s a chance that you sell assets at a price lower than what you bought them.
So before you engage, you should have a thorough understanding of how it works. Like strategically. Else, you’re just going to burn cash.
On top of NFT games, there are other online games that can get you cash while playing like Swagbucks, InboxDollars, and Mistplay. How cool is that?
14. Start dropshipping
- Ease of execution: Medium to difficult
- Barrier to entry: Low
- Tech skill required? No
- Platform required? Yes, an online store is essential for dropshipping
- Investments needed: Depends on the dropshipping niche
Want to start a business but without any hefty investments? Then dropshipping is the ideal business for you to make money.
Dropshipping is a business model wherein you can sell products without physically holding the inventory. Intrigued how? Basically, you list products and sell them using your eCommerce store.
Once you receive an order in your dropshipping store, you forward it to your supplier who takes care of manufacturing and shipping the orders to the customer. Read more about starting a dropshipping business in this article.
What makes drop shipping so great? You have all the freedom in the world to choose a niche of your interest. When you factor in your interest in your business, running a business becomes fun.
For those hesitant to invest large sums of money in order to make money, this is the perfect model.
15. Try print-on-demand business
- Ease of execution: High
- Barrier to entry: None
- Tech skill required? No.
- Platform required? Not mandatory, but beneficial to sell using your own store
- Investments needed: Platform fees and your inventory (if any)
If creativity runs in your blood, and you are passionate about design, then the POD business is the perfect way for you to make money!
All you need to foray into a print-on-demand business is design ideas/ custom prints and a platform of your choice. Yes, that’s really all you need.
The world’s your playground when it comes to what you want to print, what you want to print, and where you want to take your printing business.

In fact, the demand for customized products has only grown in the past years. Everything from socks to t-shirts to keychains is customized these days. Make sure you are making hay while the sun shines in this domain.
While there are sites like Printify, Zazzle, etc., if you truly are in this for the long run, we suggest you sell using your own eCommerce store rather than marketplaces.
Confused as to why? Here are our reasons:
- Selling with our store helps turn your business into a brand.
- The tools that come with dedicated eCommerce platforms like Dukaan make it easier for you to track the growth of your business.
- You can analyze what works best for your business
16. Create an online course
- Ease of execution: Easy to moderate
- Barrier to entry: None
- Tech skill required? Only in some cases
- Platform required? Not mandatory, but beneficial to sell using your own store
- Investments needed: Equipment needed to create and edit content and time
This one is for all the first benchers!
Have subject matter expertise over a domain? Convert that knowledge into a course and make money online off all that hard work. From doing your taxes to baking the perfect eggless cake, if you have the expertise, hundreds of people are waiting to learn it.
Be it a pdf, video tutorial, a book, or any other format of your choosing, selling an online course is a highly profitable way of making money. Why? One-time equipment setup cost, high return on investment, and an already established audience base.
Take the case of Jay Shetty, one of the top greatest coaches and motivational speakers of our time, who’s making serious cash by sharing his knowledge and insights on health and lifestyle with the world in the form of online courses, podcasts, and books.
Need another example? Daniel Scott is a renowned educator in the world of graphic design who makes some serious dough with his online design courses.
You can either sell your online courses on websites and platforms like Kajabi, Udemy, Skillshare, etc., or through your eCommerce store. Making money online through this approach is a sure-fire way to earn money.
17. Create an app
- Ease of execution: Moderate
- Barrier to entry: High
- Tech skill required? Yes
- Platform required? Yes
- Investments needed: Platform fees, time, and effort
Are you a coder with a unique idea that can benefit a lot of people? Or have an idea to improve an existing app’s use? Go ahead and monetize your skills by building apps.
Making money online from creating apps depends upon what type of app you have created, and the payment plan you charge for it. For example, gaming apps make money through in-app purchases, while service apps earn revenue through various subscription plans.
You can also go the freemium way where you get the users hooked to your app and then put specific functionalities behind paywalls.
Every day tons of new apps sprout over Google Play Store/ App Store, and some of them gain overnight popularity. Yes, we are talking about how PUBG and Wordle took over the globe in less than a fortnight. And who knows, the app you design might become the next big thing!
18. Do side gigs on Fiverr
- Ease of execution: High
- Barrier to entry: Medium
- Tech skill required? Yes
- Platform required? Yes
- Investments needed: No
We’re 1000% sure everyone who is reading this article is aware of what Fiverr is. It’s the go-to place that every freelancer needs to know looking to make extra cash.
If you have a talent you can outsource as a service, it would be a cardinal sin not to take it up as a side gig to make money online on Fiverr. After all, any skill you have can be used as a money-making venture.
The platform is thronged by hoards of people with tasks to delegate. There is no shortcoming in the types of freelance jobs available on Fiverr: from data entry to graphic design to making video testimonials, there’s nothing that doesn’t get you paid. It’s truly the best way to make money fast online.
Having said that, the sky’s the limit when it comes to making money on Fiverr. You can literally make wads of cash off Fiverr if you can knock out freelance jobs left and right.
In a nutshell, with no base investment and no tab on the returns, it’s as good as it can get.
19. Do translation work
- Ease of execution: Easy
- Barrier to entry: None
- Tech skill required? No
- Platform required? Yes
- Investments needed: Platform subscription fees
Fluent in a foreign language? Turn it into an income source. After all, why not get paid for the hours of hard work you put in mastering an exotic tongue?
If you too are struggling with the question “Do I need a professional degree to get translation jobs?” the answer is a resounding no. As long as you have writing skills and near-native fluency, you’re good to go.
Translation work opportunities are sprouting everywhere, from multinational companies to individuals. You can work in the capacity of a translator or interpreter, and even earn loyalties from translation work. Again, the scope to go big in translation world is wide!
You can use freelancing sites like Fiverr, dedicated agencies like One Hour Translation, or market your services using your store. (again, we recommend launching a Dukaan-powered store)
20. Buy and sell domain names
- Ease of execution: Easy
- Barrier to entry: None
- Tech skill required? No
- Platform required? Yes
- Investments needed: Platform subscription fees
If done right, domain flipping is one hell of a lucrative way of making money.
Selling domains for money is a matter of common sense: buy domains when they’re dirt cheap and sell them when they become highly profitable. But not all domains will become 5x or 6x times more profitable. That’s where your skills come in. Judge the “brandability” of the domains correctly, and that’s where the money will come rolling in.
Need more convincing? Presenting the story of Page Howe, a bona fide expert on selling domains, who made two 7-figure sales in a year with and There can’t be a better testimonial to how profitable buying and selling domains can be!
21. Become a TikTok consultant
- Ease of execution: Difficult
- Barrier to entry: None
- Tech skill required? No
- Platform required? Yes
- Investments needed: Platform subscription fees (if any) and equipment required
If you think you wasted time scrolling endlessly through Tiktok for hours, think again. Keeping up with TikTok trends can help you make some serious money.
Sure, it sounds like an unconventional way to make money online, but what’s the fun in following the beaten path?
TikTok consultants like Sean Young are laughing all the way to the bank: advising big hotshots like America’s Funniest Videos, helping celebrities step up their social media game, all while garnering a following of their own. People like him are hired by big companies to maintain their relevance on an app like TikTok where trends keep changing at the blink of an eye.
But enough with the big picture stuff. Let’s get to the main point: how to get started? Making content that goes viral is the first step, and then marketing your videos properly follows.
Friendly reminder – Just remember to consistently churn out good content – just remember even bigwig influencers like the D’amelio sisters started small.
22. Sell your graphic designs online
- Ease of execution: Easy
- Barrier to entry: None
- Tech skill required? Yes
- Platform required? Yes
- Investments needed: Equipment, time, and effort
If you are an artist, or passionate about creating digital designs, then selling your designs is a great way to make money online.
The market for digital designs is thriving. There are countless marketplaces like DeviantArt, Creative Market, etc., that cater to digital creators.
Digital designs are even purchased by people running their own POD businesses. (mentioned earlier in the list)
The best part about making money as a graphic designer? Fonts, emoticons, branding templates, 3D designs, and adult coloring books (yes, this trend is on the rise), are just a few examples of exciting things you can sell.
For those interested in going down this path, we recommend exploring all avenues to get paid: selling on marketplaces, enlisting on freelancing websites, pitching to corporations, and selling online with your own store.
23. Become a virtual assistant
- Ease of execution: Easy
- Barrier to entry: None
- Tech skill required? Depends on the work
- Platform required? Yes
- Investments needed: Equipment, internet connection, time, and effort
Are you meticulous and detail-oriented? Is organizing and planning your second nature? Congratulations, you have all the qualities to become a virtual assistant.
This side gig comes with many advantages: you can choose your domain, and work remotely, and there is no setup fee. The sky’s the limit when it comes to making money as a virtual assistant; the more specialized your skills are, the better you will be paid for your services.
The internet is full of dedicated sites like Zirtual and Magic that are helpful in booking gigs to Asana that help in managing work. This is definitely an underrated passive income stream.
24. Become a gaming streamer
- Ease of execution: Easy
- Barrier to entry: None
- Tech skill required? Depends on the work
- Platform required? Yes
- Investments needed: Equipment, internet connection, time, and effort
This one on our list is as lucrative as it is gratifying. The Internet age has birthed a lot of career options and ways to make money, streaming is the most exciting one! Just imagine, who wouldn’t want to get paid for doing the thing they love?
Take a look at Twitch’s viewership growth over the years, and you’ll realize just how profitable streaming has become. And it’s not just Twitch where you can stream, other sites like YouTube and Facebook are also onboarding streamers by offering benefits like partner programs and allowing them to receive advertising revenue, brand deals, and viewer tips. Just to make our point, Pewdiepie climbed his way to the top by streaming horror and commentary videos on his YouTube channel.
Just heads up here, the revenue you generate will mostly depend on the viewership you have. Popular gaming streamers like Ninja and Shroud are making millions from their streams, and it did take time and effort to reach this level.
So if you are good at playing games and being in front of the camera, streaming is something you should definitely look into.
25. Selling t-shirts online
- Ease of execution: Low
- Barrier to entry: Low
- Tech skill required? No
- Platform required? Optional.
- Investments needed: Just the things that you’ll sell
Okay, here’s your last resort to make money online. Why don’t you sell t-shirts online? And nope, I’m not kidding. According to reports, the global market for the custom t-shirt printing industry is expected to eclipse $10 billion by 2025. Just, whoa.
See, t-shirts aren’t just something we wear from day to day. It’s something that screams out our personalities silently– by the colour we wear, the design print, the style. In this world addicted to uniformity, everyone would love a glimpse of their identity. Not with Nas Daily, though (clue: he wears the same print every day).
Now, keep calm and start your soon-to-be booming online t-shirt biz.
An Honest Advice for Beginners
The online business is literally for everybody. Anyone can earn a few bucks or even millions through doing side gigs and taking up alternative income sources online.
Everybody’s objectives for making money online are also different: Gen Zs and Alphas might be going into this thinking about securing their own tuition fees while adults might be dabbling into this looking for extra cash for the sake of investment.
There’s no telling how long you have to wait or how quickly you can be successful. It depends on a couple of factors like the type of activity you’ll engage in, your marketing skills, and your drive.
Plan ahead and iron the creases from the start as much as you can. Always, always, always go back to the key factors needed in order to ensure your business’ success. Make sure that your objectives are always in line with your goal. Not zigzag.
And the most important advice of all: stick to your guns. You’ve already chosen to dabble in making money online, it’s time to make the most of it, all while having fun.
One more thing before I go: Remember how during the course of the article I mentioned setting up your online store in less than a minute? The platform I was referring to is Dukaan.
Dukaan is the easiest way to start, run, and grow your online business. No technical knowledge, no web skills required. All you have to do is pick a name for your store, add your products, start praying and begin selling… Kaching!
With Dukaan, anyone with a business idea or an existing one can sell products online, whether via physical or digital stores. Take your business to where your customers are and where the profit is–online.
And if you want to learn more about how to start your business online, watch this video:
1. Is making money online easy?Making money online is easy only if you know the way to go about it. You can make money online by taking up side gigs, taking up part-time jobs or even running your own online store.
2. Is it legal to make money online?
Yes, it is absolutely legal to make money online- as long as you are not breaking any rules and regulations. For credible and secure ways to make money online, read our article.
3. Can you actually make money online?
There are many ways of making money online- from extra cash to passive income stream to actually making big chunks of money. We’ve listed 25 money-making ideas in this article to help you make money online.
4. Can I make money online without investment?
Yes, it is possible to make money online without any investment. Based on how much you want to invest, you can choose how to make money online. Our article contains 25 money-making ideas that involve varying amounts of base investment needed to start.
5. How to make money online without paying anything?
Freelancing, TikTok consultancy, affiliate marketing, etc., are just some of the ways to make money online without paying anything. For more money-making ideas, make sure you read our article.
6. How to make money online with no experience?
There are many ways to make money online without any experience. For example, you can start making money by affiliate marketing, selling digital art, flipping domains, etc. without any prior experience, as long as you have the relevant skills.
7. How to make money online with your phone?
There are a lot of ways to make money online with your phone. To name a few, you can stream games, undertake consultancy work, affiliate marketing, etc. from the comfort of your smartphone. For more such money-making ideas, read our article.
8. How can I make 1 dollar a day?
You can make at least 1 dollar a day online by filling out site surveys, side gigs on Fiverr, testing apps, selling your stuff etc. For a more comprehensive list of ways to earn money, refer to our article.
9. How can I make $100 a day?
There are multiple ways of making $100 a day online. Selling your stuff online, becoming a virtual assistant, taking up side gigs on Fiverr, streaming games, etc. are great and easy ways to make money online. Our article contains more such ways to earn extra cash online.
10. How can I make $100 a week?
You can make $100 a week in various ways online. Some ways we recommend are: selling t-shirts online, taking up side gigs on Fiverr, becoming a virtual assistant, teaching students online.
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